Pottery Tutors
Oxfordshire Arts is looking for experienced Pottery/Ceramics Tutors to teach adults in our purpose-built Pottery Studio. Ideally you would be a practicing ceramicist with experience of teaching, and someone who is approachable and reliable. You would also be able to help students of mixed ability develop their skills. Our students work on individual projects so you must have a wide range of knowledge of ceramic techniques. We are an small, friendly and inclusive workplace and would love to help you develop your skills and knowledge.
Roles available:
- Term-time teaching (maybe half a day or a whole day per week) in classes of no more than ten students.
- Teaching of workshops focusing on a specific specialist ceramic technique, e.g. Throwing; Hand-building; Casting; Glazing; Outdoor Firing. These could be one-off sessions or on a more regular basis.
Who we are
Oxfordshire Arts has a well equipped, purpose-built pottery studio near East Hendred, South Oxfordshire.
We offer ten (2.5 hour) weekly classes every Spring, Summer and Autumn term (30 sessions a year). In a typical week we have three morning (10:00 – 12:30) classes, two afternoon (13:30 – 16:00) classes and four evening (19:00 – 21:30) classes. We currently have around 90 students per week in the term-time classes.
Twice a month we run one-day (10:00 – 16:00), weekend Workshops focussing on a specialist ceramic technique – throwing, handbuilding, Raku, barrel-firing, etc.
Tutor’s rates are £30 per hour on a self-employed basis.
We have a small gallery-shop where tutors can exhibit their work.
If you are interested in being part of the ceramics team at Oxfordshire Arts, please email Alison Jones explaining your experience in ceramics, your availability and telling us how you could help. You would also be welcome to come and visit the Studio.