RAKU Firing Workshops

Raku glaze your bisque fired pieces. Be involved in firing your wares. Get hands on to be part of the whole Raku firing process. Expect to be amazed at the results with this exciting and often unexpected, fire, smoke and flames adventure.

Make 3 – 6 pieces. (One large piece allowed – no bigger than 30cm height x 20cm width).

Raku Workshops in 2024
Saturday June 8th from 9:30 to 16:00 Raku Firing Workshop £155
Saturday July 20th from 9:30 to 16:00 Raku Firing Workshop £155
Saturday Sept 14th from 9:30 to 16:00 Raku Firing Workshop £155
Copper Matte Raku Workshops in 2024
Saturday Nov 9th from 9:30 to 16:00 Copper Matte Raku Firing Workshop £155

All materials, refreshments and lunch are included (please state any dietary requirements when booking). Maximum of 10 students.

Please contact Bookings & Enquiries to book and for information about courses.

 Raku – a brief insight

The firing technique of “RAKU” ware was first developed in Japan in the late Sixteenth century. The first items ever Raku fired were tea bowls.

The Raku firing technique utilizes a rapid rise in temperature in a propane fired kiln (Oxidised firing). The raku items are taken out of the kiln at glaze maturity and placed in an air tight container containing shredded newspaper and sawdust (Reduction firing). A short time later the raku items are taken out of the air tight container and either air cooled or sprayed or dipped in water.

The raku firing technique and the reduction cause the items to develop vivid colours and a copper sheen.  Fire and smoke create matt black surfaces in unglazed areas. Slight variations in glaze thickness cause the glaze to react and change colour. Oxygen deprivation (reduction), the fire and temperature changes cause the glazes to fully or partially reduce and cause interesting colours or patterns of colour or areas of bronze, copper or silver to develop. As a result the items have wonderful vivid colours and sheen.

The word Raku, when loosely translated, can mean joy, enjoyment, pleasure, comfort, happiness or contentment.

Raku firing       Download information on Raku Safety